azienda aglicola SAN FILIPPO(モンタルチーノのほうではない)
Piceno 2023
品種:サンジョヴェーゼ 50%、モンテプルチャーノ 50%
Appellation: Rosso Piceno DOC
Grape varieties: 50% Montepulciano 50% Sangiovese
Winemaking: Rosso Piceno is the doc with the most history in our territory. Montepulciano and Sangiovese have always been cultivated in the piceno area. For this reason the footprint in the making of this wine is minimal and traditional: alcoholic fermentation with skin maceration at 25°C until the exhaustion of the sugars, devatting and malolactic fermentation. The two grape varieties are processed individually and assembled later on in steel.
Wine Tasting: Ruby red with a violet tint. To the nose berries can be perceived. This is typical of Montepulciano and Sangiovese: blueberries, plums, sour cherries and black cherries. To the taste it's warm soft and persistent, tannins can be tasted seen as Montepulciano shows its strenght and prevails over Sangiovese.
The ancient population of Piceni lived on fertile terrain with a great view; details which granted prosperity and defensibility to the village. Rosso Piceno inhabits the same fertile hills, preferring South-East exposure. Montepulciano and Sangiovese cohabit in this wine like bulwarks of the Piceno agricultural tradition.
6.20 €
インポーター合同有料試飲会14杯目。 マルケ州 azienda aglicola SAN FILIPPO(モンタルチーノのほうではない) Piceno 2023 品種:サンジョヴェーゼ 50%、モンテプルチャーノ 50% アルコール度数:13,5% サービス温度:16-18℃ 醸造:手摘み収穫後軽く圧搾。それぞれ12-14日間マセレーションとアルコール発酵。その後ブレンドしてステンレスタンクに移し替えます。2ヶ月後、清澄や濾過をしないで瓶詰め。6ヶ月瓶内熟成後、出荷。 特徴:濃いルビー色。カシス、スパイスやほのかなバニラを彷彿とさせる香り。溢れる果実味を凝縮させたような味わい、香ばしいタンニン、心地よい酸味。バランスが良く、余韻が長い。 Appellation: Rosso Piceno DOC Grape varieties: 50% Montepulciano 50% Sangiovese Winemaking: Rosso Piceno is the doc with the most history in our territory. Montepulciano and Sangiovese have always been cultivated in the piceno area. For this reason the footprint in the making of this wine is minimal and traditional: alcoholic fermentation with skin maceration at 25°C until the exhaustion of the sugars, devatting and malolactic fermentation. The two grape varieties are processed individually and assembled later on in steel. Wine Tasting: Ruby red with a violet tint. To the nose berries can be perceived. This is typical of Montepulciano and Sangiovese: blueberries, plums, sour cherries and black cherries. To the taste it's warm soft and persistent, tannins can be tasted seen as Montepulciano shows its strenght and prevails over Sangiovese. The ancient population of Piceni lived on fertile terrain with a great view; details which granted prosperity and defensibility to the village. Rosso Piceno inhabits the same fertile hills, preferring South-East exposure. Montepulciano and Sangiovese cohabit in this wine like bulwarks of the Piceno agricultural tradition. 6.20 €